Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

After School Programs:

The Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Sonoma-Marin is for ages K – 6th grade and they operate from after school until 5:30. You may contact them at (707) 528-7977. bgcsonoma-marin.org

After-School programs will be provided at Riebli & San Miguel Campuses from dismissal until 3:00 (BGC will offer extended care until 5:30 at an additional fee.) We encourage families to visit our website to learn more about our safety protocols. (Note: All Club services will be offered in compliance with state & local COVID-19 guidance and is subject to change upon receipt of new guidance.)


ECC is a private, nonprofit organization that has operated licensed childcare for the Mark West Union School District for over 30 years. They provide quality childcare which includes academic programs and homework time for students. Childcare is offered before school and after school, as well as on non-school days and summer. Extended Child Care is committed to assisting each school-age child in obtaining life skills by providing high-quality, year-round out-of-school-time learning programs while supporting families and school districts.

For qualifying families, ECC offers a state funded subsidized program at Mark West, and accepts Alternative Payment Program (APP) vouchers at Mark West, Riebli and San Miguel.

Visit their website: EXTCC or call the main office at 707-545-2402, to be placed on a waitlist for enrollment.

Calendar & Bell Schedule:

2024-2025 Student School Calendar

24 25 School Schedules

Current Counseling Materials:

District Counselors

School counseling is considered a regular educational service and therefore students can be seen without parent consent. However, as a good faith practice, at the Mark West Union School District, the counselors will only meet with students one time without parent permission, usually to determine if counseling support is needed.

Our school counselors are happy to provide information about community resources if parents feel their student is in need of additional support but would prefer to receive it in the community.

Click here to be taken to the Counselor’s Corner page.

“Please and Thank You tools” for social emotional learning.

Kindergarten Parent Resources:

SCOE Information:

SCOE Air Quality Page

Recommended Air Quality monitoring website for wildfire smoke is now – http://fire.airnow.gov/

Supply Lists by Grade Level

Read On

Learn more about the “Read On Sonoma” Program sponsored by the Guy Fieri Foundation and the Susan and Lawrence Amaturo Giving Fund by going to https://readonsonoma.org/