
Mark West Elementary Sports

During the 2019-20 school year, Mark West was proud to provide multiple opportunities for students to participate in sports.

  • 26 students in grades 4-6 participated in our Co-ed Volleyball team, playing against teams from San Miguel Elementary and Riebli Elementary.
  • 21 boys in grades 4-6 participated on the boys basketball team.
  • Although their season was cut short due to the Co-vid 19 closures, 24 girls participated in the 4-6 basketball league, and 6 of our sixth grade girls played alongside our Mark West Charter 7th grade team.

Additionally, students in fourth through sixth grade have the opportunity to participate in our Noon league program, run by student referees under the supervision of our two sixth grade teachers, Mr. Graves and Mr. Ryan. Noon league sports include Flag Football, Handball, and Wiffle Ball.